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COVA Reflection & Application

COVA's Influence

COVA has influenced the way I learn, my approach to training and mentoring, and even improved aspects of personal relationships with friends and family. I first realized, or I should say was able to identify and understand, that I genuinely had choice, ownership, and voice through authentic assignments during the first session of the ADL program. As I went through my blogs in preparation for this reflection, I could see the clear path of growth over the last year. I have pulled out portions of my blogs to share my past thoughts as I reflect on this journey of COVA+CSLE.


My initial reaction when given the freedom and responsibility to choose to take ownership of my learning through an authentic project was excitement at the thought then sheer panic at implementation. My blog reflections from the first session showed this clearly:


October 24, 2021

“I used to be a 'now' thinker. I gave up much more quickly when things became challenging. Today, I am still a work in progress, but I am willing to learn and motivated to grow! I look forward to being able to help others gain insight. I want to challenge their way of thinking and educate them to develop a growth mindset” (Purvis, 2021a).


October 25, 2021

“I woke up this morning feeling more motivated than last week. Last week, I was scared. I was unsure and had a desire to quit” (Purvis, 2021b).


November 9, 2021

“After the introduction to the first courses in the ADL program, I left with a feeling of it being a bit unorganized and chaotic. I can see now that was fully intentional and organized perfectly to bring that stirring of the mind. I am beginning to embrace this, and I like what I am seeing. I am learning that I am not only an educator. I am a learner. I am learning. I am changing. I am uniquely myself, and that is a good thing” (Purvis, 2021c).


When reading my blogs, I feel all the emotions rushing back. I never had this type of educational experience in the past, at least not where the instructor intentionally planned out and prepared the class for COVA+CSLE. Reflecting on my past educational experiences, I had teachers that attempted this type of approach, but it did not work well. Dr. H was different. He was present, engaging, and lived this approach not only in his career but in his personal life. You could see it through his entire ePortfolio, and it was something I wanted. I decided to trust him, something that is not easy for me to do, and sees where the process took me. He seemed so sure that it was the way! With that said, I did doubt it. I was unsure. I wanted to quit many times because it was so uncomfortable. I am glad I kept going.


I made a choice during that first session to embrace change, to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. I began to reach out to others in our classes, forming groups of collaboration. This eased my fears and gave me a foundation of support. Making a choice was easy, but it did not mean I was automatically successful, it did mean that I was trying, and looking back, I can see the results of that in my following blog entries.


November 30, 2021

“My mindset is slowly changing as I'm working through the ADL program. I am learning how to be a learner. I'm learning that it's ok not to be perfect. I am learning to be comfortable being uncomfortable because that is where we find growth”  (Purvis, 2021d).


December 7, 2021

“I am learning the key to true success and growth is: Be comfortable being uncomfortable!” (Purvis, 2021e).


If I could go back to the beginning of the program now, I don’t think I would change anything about that uncomfortable process. I am proud that I worked through it and grew to understand myself as a learner and the needed tools to help guide others with a COVA+CSLE approach.


Authentic or Counterfeit Plan?

In the fall of 2021, the ESL company I had been working for as a teacher mentor and trainer began to face significant changes. Due to regulation changes in the country of origin, there was a threat of the entire company completely shutting down. I was in a holding pattern to see what path my career would take. When I began the ADL program and was told I had to begin an innovation project for my organization. I had no clue what that would look like as my current career in education was in question. So, I decided to focus on something that would be beneficial for any organization of learners, ePortfolio implementation.


I had a desire for my innovation plan to be introduced to the organization and to educators at some point. I wanted things to work out so I could present it to managers and begin the process of changing teacher profiles to ePortfolios, however, my plan never was going to be able to be introduced. I am still contracted with the company, but all training and most teacher classes stopped at the end of 2021 and have not been back to normal since. I decided at that moment to not focus on my plan not being shown to this specific organization but to pour myself into creating it for any organization in the future. I was happy that I was working on a product that would be useful and a plan that could benefit adults across all career fields. So, while I am highly disappointed that it did not work out for me to use my plan in my current organization, I have confidence and a good attitude that in the future I will be able to introduce and help implement it elsewhere. If not the exact ePortfolio plan that I have created, I know I possess the knowledge and understanding to create a plan to fit the needs of any future learners. I also take with me the understanding of the importance of creating and leading change in any future career path I choose.


My Learning Philosophy is ever-changing. I would say that when I began ADL, I believed in many of the characteristics of the COVA+CSLE approach but did not understand it fully. I would say that as I am finishing this program, it aligns perfectly with my current beliefs. My perspective has changed in many ways. I believe that learning is lifelong, and teachers should do less teaching and more mentoring and guiding. We are guides to encourage learners to take ownership of their learning. I care enough to let others take ownership.


I am in agreement with Dr. H:

“Many of my students are accustomed to a more traditional form of education…giving the teacher or professor what they want and regurgitating… it is not uncommon to have some of my students annoyed or even angry with me…I am willing to have them be annoyed with me because I care enough about their learning to know that if they take ownership and learn by working on something that is authentic then their learning will be transformative…” (Harapnuik, 2017).


Looking back, my blogs show that I was also used to that traditional form of education and very uncomfortable moving out of that role and taking the risk to try something different. I will always be grateful for the progress and confidence I have developed through the ADL program and for the use of COVA+CSLE that got me to a point of understanding in learning that I can continually develop to be the best leader and inspire change in all areas of my life and career.


Application in the Future

Knowing what I know now about the COVA approach, I will use it to create significant learning environments in the future. Since my career path has shifted somewhat, and I will be looking for a new full-time career soon, I have been applying COVA concepts to contract work and to my personal life. The difference it has made has been significant, and I have a very strong desire to continue to support others to make this change in their own lives. I plan to continually look for ways to implement the COVA method in all possible areas of approach.


To prepare learners for COVA, I will establish a system of trust. I feel that Dr. H did a wonderful job preparing us by building trust. He was a great example of how to apply this in all areas and shared with us personal stories and his ePortfolio that made a connection with him. This allowed him to put us in an uncomfortable place. We knew that with his support we would be ok. He was present, supportive, and encouraging. The way ADL is set up, it provides a safety net for students when they fall but does not prevent the fall. I now realize this was the missing piece of my previous teachers that tried to implement COVA but never were able to make it work. I plan to do the same with my learners as I implement this in the future. I want them to feel as though it’s ok to be vulnerable and try. Jump with me. Take a chance and allow them to feel the freedom of learning in a supportive environment. I will be walking beside you because I am still on the journey myself.


Again, my blogs continued to express my growth through our spring classes:


January 24, 2022

“I have felt a new sense of freedom since trying to apply the growth mindset. I have learned that it’s never too late to change your fixed mindset and that you can influence all those around you to shift to a growth mindset” (Purvis, 2022a).


February 6, 2022

 “I am no longer held prisoner to the limits that I set for myself in the past” (Purvis, 2022b).


March 2, 2022

“My perspective on learning has changed completely. I am more open to all learning styles and understand that everyone I meet in some way contributes to my learning path. I can honestly say that my growth in less than 16 weeks of the ADL program so far has been the most growth I have shown in my life in that short of an amount of time. I have opened myself up to vulnerability and to embracing the "real" me, imperfections included” (Purvis, 2022c).


Challenges will arise with any implementation of the COVA+CSLE method because it is not the “normal” educational or corporate training approach. It creates a sense of uncomfortableness in the beginning. Learners can feel upset, angry, confused, or unorganized. Many will want exact rubrics, instructions, etc. Working in the adult learning environment there is the added difficulty of learners being more hesitant to change or being stuck in their ways. As a leader, it is your responsibility to stay confident and secure as you work through those emotions and embrace choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning. It is up to you to provide an example and guide them through the process to success. I believe the key to overcoming challenges is to provide support and resources while walking with your learners. My blog from the end of the spring session shared my thoughts on this:


March 28, 2022

“Changing small things in the way you support your students, the resources you provide, the options you give them can make all the difference to turning learning from something that is forced to something that is enjoyable and desired by all learners. No matter the culture, no matter the learning style, we all have a basic set of needs that include being provided with support, coaching, mentoring, choices, and freedom to learn in our own way” (Purvis, 2022d).


The COVA+CSLE approach will stick with me forever. I am proud of myself for trusting the process and embracing change. ADL was the missing piece I never knew I needed in my life. As I continue to adapt to change along my journey of learning after the ADL program, I will embrace what it means to provide future learners in my care with choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning experiences. I will stay vulnerable and open to learning myself and place myself as a mentor and guide over my students, creating a significant learning environment for us all. I plan to continue to self-assess, learn, and grow. I am excited to see the growth that will happen in the future.



 “..sometimes the answer to a problem has been in front of you all along, and all you need to do is step back far enough to see where all the pieces fit” - Harapnuik, 2015




Harapnuik, D. (2015, May 9). Creating Significant Learning Environments (CSLE).


Harapnuik, D. (2017, June 12). Do You Care Enough to Let Them Take Ownership of Their Learning?                                         

Purvis, K. (2021a, October 24). 5303 Creating a Culture of Helpfulness & Growth Mindset. Kimberly Purvis.


Purvis, K. (2021b, October 25). Ready for Change...I Need This! Kimberly Purvis.


Purvis, K. (2021c, November 9). The beginning of something life-changing…. Kimberly Purvis.


Purvis, K. (2021d, November 30). “Great things are done when men and mountains meet.” ― William Blake. Kimberly Purvis.                          

Purvis, K. (2021e, December 7). Grow through what you go through... Kimberly Purvis.


Purvis, K. (2022a, January 24). 5302: Your perception of the Growth Mindset. Kimberly Purvis.


Purvis, K. (2022b, February 16). “A dream is a wish your heart makes...” Kimberly Purvis.


Purvis, K. (2022c, March 2). 5302 COVA and Your ePortfolio. Kimberly Purvis.


Purvis, K. (2022d, March 29). 5313: New Culture of Learning - CSLE. Kimberly Purvis.


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