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Alternative PL Outline

Our 6 step process for working with us (1).png

Graphic based on - A Taxonomy of Significant Learning. From: Fink, L. D. (2003). Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. (p. 30).

My BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal):

From my Aligning Outcomes, Assessment, & Activities page


To develop self-motivated, reflective online learners who recognize opportunities for further growth and model them effectively, both independently and through professional learning communities.


In the course, learners will navigate the key principles of COVA+CSLE and explore digital technology for ePortfolio creation to set the foundation for the full implementation of my Innovation Plan. This course will take place in stage 4 of my Implementation Outline. My 3-column table is used with my BHAG as a guide for the learning outcomes, learning activities, and assessment activities for this course. This course is based on the taxonomy of significant learning by Fink (2003). By the end of this course, learners should feel confident in their understanding of creating significant learning environments that incorporate choice, ownership, voice, and authentic learning. They should begin successfully applying these concepts with their students, in real-life situations, and in the creation of their professional ePortfolios. 

Professional Learning Implementation Considerations

How will the 5 Key principles of effective PD be incorporated?

The 5 key principles of effective professional development will be present in all areas of the course. The course will be 7 months in length with learners meeting weekly for 30 minutes. Learners will have expert mentors available through multiple channels (message boards, 1-on-1 scheduled meetings as needed, and workshops). Learners will be actively engaged in all meetings and work together to build a supportive community outside of the weekly sessions. Mentors will model each learning activity for our educators and all content will be intentionally focused. More specific information on the use of the 5 disciplines of professional learning can be found below in the timeline/schedule. 

5 Key principles of Effective Professional Learning

How will collaboration be fostered?

Collaboration will be fostered through multiple methods throughout this course. Learners will be moved into breakout rooms during the meetings to work together to evaluate, analyze, and discuss materials and guided topics. Message boards will be available for support and discussion before and after meetings. Learners will be encouraged to comment and leave feedforward on blogs and ePortfolios of others. In the meetings, learners will be guided to discuss areas of improvement and ask for feedforward from others. They will work together to brainstorm and set goals on how to use COVA and create significant learning environments with students. 

Who will lead what components?

The meetings will be led by mentors and educator trainers through Zoom. Learners will lead their own learning and ePortfolio progress between meetings. Mentors will be available for support throughout the entirety of the course on message boards and through scheduling 1-on-1 meetings as needed. Workshops will be led by mentors for learners to sign up at their convenience for additional learning opportunities.

Who is the audience? What are their needs?

The learners in this course vary greatly and are highly diverse. Educators are located worldwide and come from many different backgrounds and socio-economic classes. All learners have college educations, at least at the bachelor's degree level, and have worked in the online setting the entirety of their time with the organization. Most are highly skilled in digital technology and its uses. It is expected that educators will be able to use the technology with ease, but it is understood that there may need to be adjustments. Time zones will need to be considered to ensure all have an equal chance to participate and attend the courses. Learners should be prepared technologically, but also be ready to learn and open to working together for a common goal. My approach to this will be starting with "the Why". Reaching the heart of our learners will guarantee we are all on the same page ready to create change and see success. 

What is the timeline/schedule?


What resources will be needed?

Since learners in this course are already remote in their work environment and daily teaching, all are ready with the needed technological components (high-speed internet, headset with microphone, camera, and computer).  The following additional resources will be needed for courses:

  • Google forms to create surveys

  • Dedicated message boards for course

  • Zoom for meeting outside of workshops

  • Wix, Wordpress, or Google Sites website registration

  • List of literature (books/websites) on COVA+CSLE


Providing our learners with an extensive library of resources will be a focus of this course. Learners, being given choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning opportunities, are expected to move at different paces and have varying needs throughout this course. As Harapnuik (n.d.) states about the ADL program learners, " More isn’t always better and not everyone may need or even want to go deeper so they may not need these additional resources", so focus will be placed on providing resources that allow the learners to go as deep into the subject matter as they desire. Learners being self-evolving and self-motivated to move through the course and beyond to create their own path is the learning outcome desired. 


"By committing to designing courses for significant learning, you increase your power and effectiveness as someone responsible for the quality of other people's learning experience!" (Fink, 2003)



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