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Organizational Change Strategy

Having an innovation plan is wonderful but without a supporting strategy on how to influence others, or strategies to lead in a self-differentiated manner, it becomes a pointless attempt at change. The following organizational change components will walk you through my strategy for becoming a self-differentiated leader that is able to resist the inevitable pushback that we will experience when our plan is launched in our organization. It offers strategies and guidelines for addressing this resistance to achieve a successful launch and completion of our initiative. This will ensure that our garden of growth will continue as planned and not be overtaken with weeds of opposition.

Person Looking At Board

The Why

The "Why" establishes and communicates the emotional and logical reasoning behind the innovation plan with the purpose of lighting a fire in the hearts of our stakeholders. It connects thinking to feeling and kickstarts motivation for the ePortfolio innovation plan for our organization. By sharing the how, why, and what, we start off on the right path to create meaningful change. 



Influencer Strategy

My Influencer Strategy provides a guide for influencing those in our organization to create the change we want to see. This strategy walks the reader through the four key strategies for choosing the vital behaviors for influence, identifies key influencers, and lists the measures and the expected results. It addresses the six sources of influence to create influence and implement change.



4DX Plan

The 4DX Plan provides a simple formula for executing our goals. It shows the importance of navigating the whirlwind of daily tasks, gives wildly important goals (WIGs), along with lead and lag measures of focus to keep our plan on track. The four disciplines of execution plan provides details on how to implement strategies to change behaviors into habits of success. 4DX keeps everyone accountable and motivated throughout the implementation of the innovation plan. ​


Self-Differentiated Leadership

& Crucial Conversations

Self-Differentiated Leadership & Crucial Conversations identifies the key factors that I will address to be a self-differentiated leader within our organization’s innovation plan initiative. It reflects on the process of crucial conversations that will help move our plan of change forward by providing the skills needed to deal with conversations that have high stakes, strong emotions, and differing opinions. It provides a plan of focus to reduce emotional reactions and prevent sabotage.






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