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Full Professional Learning Strategy

The full development of this professional development course was rich with learning and understanding. Building on the skills learned in previous ADL classes, I feel as though this plan can be implemented with success. It takes our learners on a journey of digital and personal exploration to prepare all for the skills needed to implement the full Innovation Plan for our organization. In this course, learners navigate the key principles of COVA+CSLE and explore digital technology for ePortfolio creation to set the foundation for the full implementation. This course takes place in stage 4 of the Implementation Outline. This course is based on the taxonomy of significant learning by Fink (2003). By the end of this course, learners should feel confident in their understanding of creating significant learning environments that incorporate choice, ownership, voice, and authentic learning. They should begin successfully applying these concepts with their students, in real-life situations, and in the creation of their professional ePortfolios. 



My BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal):

From Aligning Outcomes, Assessment, & Activities


To develop self-motivated, reflective online learners who recognize opportunities for further growth and model them effectively, both independently and through professional learning communities.



Building Startup Timeline Infographic Instagram Post.png

The 5 Key Principles of Effective Professional Learning:

The 5 key principles of effective professional learning are present in all areas of the course. The course is seven months in length with learners meeting weekly for 30 minutes. Learners will have expert mentors available through multiple channels (message boards, 1-on-1 scheduled meetings as needed, and workshops). Learners will be actively engaged in all meetings and work together to build a supportive community outside of the weekly sessions. Mentors will model each learning activity for our educators and all content will be intentionally focused. More specific information on the use of the 5 disciplines of professional learning can be found below on the timeline/schedule. 

A Call to Action - The Why


Professional learning is a necessary component in all career paths, but in education, it is crucial to stay up to date with the latest developments and continually learn more as you are educating others. Being shouldered with additional learning can be daunting for educators. It leaves them weary and has the side effect of producing apathy during their professional development meetings. Most check-in to get credit for attendance, just to check out after they arrive. ​Simon Sinek (2011) stated, “We say WHAT we do, we sometimes say HOW we do it, but we rarely say WHY we do WHAT we do”. ​My “Why” is my desire to train and mentor educators effectively. ​My motivation for this call to action is to create a change in our professional development platform that ignites the fire that fuels the love of learning in our educators. 


Please click on the presentation script first, then follow along while you scroll through the slides. The idea is a call to action that models "go and show" professional learning. Participants will play an active role throughout the presentation to demonstrate the effectiveness of alternate professional learning. 


"When ideas are communicated effectively, people follow and change". -Nancy Duarte 





Click to open the script first, then click through the slideshow to follow along:




Both the 3-column table and the UbD template offer effective ways to design meaningful courses for learners. The 3-column table is useful to see the larger goal and to ensure that significant learning is reached by balancing all areas necessary, and UbD is useful in looking at the smaller details and focuses that the learner will focus on as they move through the course. UbD requires more detail and focus, but I feel that using them together offers the greatest benefits when designing courses. Beginning with Fink’s 3-column table and detailing it out into the UbD design developed this course fully. You can view all activities and goals in the linked documents. 

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How will collaboration and self-directed learning be fostered?

Collaboration will be fostered through multiple methods throughout this course. Learners will be moved into breakout rooms during the meetings to work together to evaluate, analyze, and discuss materials and guided topics. Message boards will be available for support and discussion before and after meetings. Learners will be encouraged to comment and leave feedforward on blogs and ePortfolios of others. In the meetings, learners will be guided to discuss areas of improvement and ask for feedforward from others. They will work together to brainstorm and set goals on how to use COVA and create significant learning environments for students. Learners will be provided with many resources throughout the course, along with message board prompts to guide self-directed learning. Mentors will issue prompts and check-in with learners consistently to motivate them throughout the course. Learners will self-direct through the building and reflection in their ePs. 


Who will lead what components?

The meetings will be led by mentors and educator trainers through Zoom. Learners will lead their own learning and ePortfolio progress between meetings. Mentors will be available for support throughout the entirety of the course on message boards and through scheduling 1-on-1 meetings as needed. Workshops will be led by mentors for learners to sign up at their convenience for additional learning opportunities.


Who is the audience? What are their needs?

The learners in this course vary greatly and are highly diverse. Educators are located worldwide and come from many different backgrounds and socio-economic classes. All learners have college educations, at least at the bachelor's degree level, and have worked in the online setting the entirety of their time with the organization. Most are highly skilled in digital technology and its uses. It is expected that educators will be able to use the technology with ease, but it is understood that there may need to be adjustments. Time zones will need to be considered to ensure all have an equal chance to participate and attend the courses. Learners should be prepared technologically, but also be ready to learn and open to working together for a common goal. My approach to this will be starting with "the Why". Reaching the heart of our learners will guarantee we are all on the same page ready to create change and see success. 


What is the timeline/schedule?


What resources will be needed?

Since learners in this course are already remote in their work environment and daily teaching, all are ready with the needed technological components (high-speed internet, headset with microphone, camera, and computer).  The following additional resources will be needed for courses:

  • Google Form surveys

  • Links to professional eportfolios of Mentors

  • Dedicated message boards for course

  • Zoom for meeting outside of workshops

  • Wix, Wordpress, or Google Sites website for registration

  • List of literature (books/websites) on COVA+CSLE              










Session One Outline

This outline provides a walkthrough of the first session of our course. Sessions will last for 7 months and will take 30 minutes a week of meetings. Learners will work on their own time and with peers outside of weekly meetings. Mentors will be available as needed for support throughout the entire professional learning course timeline.   




















Please save the following link to our Professional Learning website which will be updated regularly throughout the course:


This course is prepared for our educators to take the first steps of understanding the purpose of ePortfolio creation and the necessary components of COVA+CSLE and the growth mindset. After this course, learners will feel confident in their abilities to create their own professional identity and how to support other learners through the process. Learners will be prepared to apply these concepts not only in their professional lives but also in their personal lives and in their classrooms with students. 



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