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Resources for Digital Environments

The following assignments are from the coursework in the ADL class EDLD 5317, Resources for Digital Environments. Each section below is linked to the full assignment for further learning. The assignments in 5317 focused on creating a publication to share areas of expertise and research with your audience. My group included myself and two other professionals that work in different environments. We came together to focus on blended learning with adult learners and how to present the benefits to any professional looking to improve the learning experience in their organization. This coursework further improves my innovation plan by reviewing areas that may be lacking for educators to have the best collaboration, motivation, and engagement throughout implementation.

This outline details a plan for a publication centered on blended learning and how it can be incorporated into all professional and educational environments for the betterment of the learning experience as it relates to adults. It connects three individual innovation plans and describes how they each relate to the focus of blended learning. It includes key points and focuses, learning expectations, technologies used, and publication requirements in detail. 

Image by Kaleidico
Image by Green Chameleon

The linked text is the rough draft of the publication described in the publication outline. This rough draft is the collaboration of three professionals in different areas of adult learning and focuses on three elements of blended learning: Design It, Implement It, and Connect It. This rough draft was shared with peers review (please see my contribution to learning blog) and was then perfected for a final draft before submission for publication.

 This media pitch was designed to support my contribution to our publication "Supporting Blended Learning Environments with Adult Learners". It is meant to draw in the viewer and promote a sense of interest in the publication. While this pitch is individualized to focus on the area of the publication connected to my innovation plan, you can access the other two videos to learn more about blended learning design and connection for adults.  

Image by George Pagan III
Ready to Get Published

The final draft of our publication is posted here for your review. The rough draft was submitted for grading in the ADL program and also shared with classmates for peer review. All suggestions were taken into consideration to perfect all areas before completing the final draft. This final draft is a product of effective collaboration and learning from all members of our group. 

This blog post discusses my learning and growth through this course in the ADL program. I share my experiences through both 5315 and 5317 this eight weeks, collaboration with groups, areas of understanding, and of future potential growth. Included is the experience from the peer review we participated in during the development of the publication. 

All Hands In
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