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Publication Media Pitch

This media pitch was created to support my contribution to a future publication titled “Supporting Blended Learning Environments with Adult Learners”. This publication is a collaborative effort from myself and two others, Karin Stateler and Stephen Lewis, all professionals in adult learning environments. We seek to publish this article to eLearn Magazine and/or Edutopia soon after completion. A final draft of this article will be available July 21, 2022.  You can view our publication rough draft of this article here:



A Blended Sampler for Adult Learners – Implement it!

To learn more about blended learning in adult environments, follow the links for Stephen's "Design It" and Karin's "Connect It" videos:

By: Stephen Lewis

By: Karin Stateler

In today's ever-changing professional environment, a one-size-fits-all approach is no longer relevant to all learners. The Covid pandemic challenged professionals to make adjustments to their methods to incorporate remote learning. Post-Covid, organizations are realizing that learners are individuals with unique needs, and the traditional face-to-face only method no longer works for all. Many areas such as learning culture, learning experience, cost-savings, scalability, and individualized training are now considered necessary for the adult learning environment. Blended learning is an approach that can be used to meet all of these needs.


Blended learning is a mixture of online learning experiences and face-to-face (traditional) learning (Mavropolous, 2019). Research is limited when it comes to blended learning use with adult learners however blended learning has been shown in many studies to be the “strategy that adapts to all audiences” (Savage, 2018). This supports the need to further study its use and application to create significant learning environments for professional learners. In my literature review on blended learning, I cover the benefits and barriers as it applies to adult learning environments. While research is limited, the benefits are documented. Blended learning is expected to grow in the workplace in the future and move the professional environment from one-size-fits-all to learning with a purpose (Purvis et al, 2022). 


My innovation plan focuses on educators in a fully virtual environment, but through this publication, my action research plan, and literature review, the benefits of incorporating blended learning have been realized. I plan to find ways to incorporate face-to-face learning in addition to virtual learning to maximize the benefits of a blended learning environment for all learners. 


This publication empowers all readers to bring blended learning into their organization and design programs using new tools and multiple modalities that will meet the needs of all learners and boost collaboration, communication, and engagement. 








(Sutton and District Training, 2020)

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