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Assessing Digital Learning and Instruction

The following assignments are from my learning in the ADL course EDLD 5315, Assessing Digital Learning and Instruction. Each link will take you to the individual assignments for further review. The work in this course focused on action research and identifying areas of improvement to perfect learning experiences for your learners. My area of research explored how implementing blended learning techniques may improve the growth and learning of all participants over a fully virtually environment with no face-to-face opportunities. This coursework improves my innovation plan further by digging into areas that can further be strengthened for effective implementation and long term success.

Business Plan

This outline communicates my plan to focus research on the benefits and disadvantages of different learning environments and how they affect the motivation and determination of educators. This plan was designed to reveal the best possible learning scenario for educators to maximize the implementation of my innovation plan. The hope is that the research will reveal that a blended environment will increase participation, motivation, and collaboration and prove the need to incorporate face-to-face opportunities for online educators. 


This literature review uses current and past texts to explore and analyze the use of blended learning in the professional adult learning environment. It critically reviews both sides of the topic to reveal the benefits and barriers of implementing this style of learning. It explores the similarities and differences of remote, face-to-face, and blended opportunities to reveal the best balance for adult learners. This literature review provides in depth research to prove that blended learning in the adult environment is the best approach for all learners. 

Co-working in the Office

Here you will find the plan to measure the effectiveness of the learning environment of my innovation plan. The research is focused on blended learning and how it will benefit virtual educators in the ePortfolio creation process. The goal is on understanding how a blended learning environment will affect participation,  motivation, and collaboration during ePortfolio development with an intention to prove the best methods to approach and perfect learning for all during implementation. 

Successful Work Team

This blog post discusses my learning and growth through this course in the ADL program. I share my experiences through both 5315 and 5317 this eight weeks, collaboration with groups, areas of understanding, and of future potential growth. I elaborate on my experiences with peers and my contributions to groups, both large and small, to support fellow classmates throughout the session. 

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