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Applied Digital Learning Synthesis

 - Bryan McGill

"Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth."                                                          

The following is a synthesis of all work completed throughout my time in the ADL course, including links to my work from this final 5320 capstone course. Please begin by getting to know a little more about me and take a look at my learning philosophy. I also provide a link to my reading list for further study. This program has been of great benefit to my learning journey, both to my career path and as an individual. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to complete my master's degree at Lamar University in the ADL program. This program is unconventional and pushed me outside of my comfort zone, which is exactly what I needed to push the limits of my capabilities. I look forward to influencing learners in the future in the same manner. I leave this program as a positive, forward-thinking professional with a deep understanding and renewed vision for creating change. Thank you for taking time out to share in my journey. 

5320 Assignments

ADL Slideshow
Community Garden

COVA has influenced the way I learn, my approach to training and mentoring, and even improved aspects of personal relationships with friends and family. This reflection communicates a genuine understanding of COVA, choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning opportunities. It provides a clear path of growth over the last year in the ADL program and shares portions of past blogs as a way to reflect on my learning in regard to COVA+CSLE.

Watering Indoor Garden

The innovation project was the centerpiece of the ADL program and the final complete product of our learning. In this final update, I share where I am on my current planning and implementation of my innovation plan project. I share my goals, the learning process, what worked and what didn't, what I would do differently, next steps, and what I plan to do with what I have learned in the future. 

I am leaving this program with a new thought process, a brighter outlook for the future, and skills that will benefit me throughout my life. The visual and audio slideshow shares my experience and feelings about the ADL program as a whole and shares my past, present, and future plans. While the Garden of Growth slides in the slideshow are linked to the assignments, the sunflower graphic shown will give more info and take you from the planting of the initial seeds (ADL 5305/5303) through the blooming of the flower (ADL 5318/5320) in this journey of learning. Click on each heading to go to the compilation page that will describe and link to all assignments in each course, or click on each title to take you directly to the individual assignment.  

Instructional design was the focus of this course. Our plans became reality as we used the LMS of our choice to build our course out. In this course we completed the assignments on Instructional Design, Implementation Design, and Usability Testing.

In the final course of the ADL program, we became reflective, self-assessing learners as we looked back on all of our work to develop a Cova Reflection, Innovation Project Update, and ADL synthesis.

CSLE is the backbone of COVA. This course taught how to create an environment that meets the needs of all learners. This course had us develop CSLE-New Culture of Learning, Learning Philosophy, Developing a Growth Mindset, Aligning Outcomes, and our UbD Design Template.

Professional development is an integral part of any innovation plan. This course taught us how to develop a professional development plan for continued learning in our organization. I create an Alternative PL Outline, Call to Action, and a Full Professional Learning Strategy.

5303 gave us time to work on and further develop our ePortfolios. In this course, we created our ePortfolio and began a blog. 

The beginning of our innovation plan began in 5305. This course kickstarted our plans with a Literature Review, Implemenation Outline, Innovation ProposalAnnotated Bibliography, and Innovation Plan. We learned to be innovative thinker to lay the foundation for our ADL journey.

Seed to Flower Timeline Infographic.jpg

5315 had us dive into the world of research. We learned how to effectively use action research, measurement, and assessment to perfect and expand our innovation plans. This course included my Action Research Design Outline, Literature Review on Blended Learning, Measurement Strategy, and Assessing Digital Learnignng and Instruction assignments. 

Contributions to the professional world is a necessary component of learning. This course taught us to share our knowledge with others and be an active participant in professional growth outside of our organization. The assignments in this course were my Publication Outline, Publication Rough Draft, Publication Media Pitch, Publication Final Draft, and Resources for Digital Environments

Learner's mindset allows us to take ownershiph of learning by incorporating choice and voice when designing authentic projects. This course helped us use technology to create change in our Growth Mindset Plan, Learning Manifesto, and Learning Mindset Strategy.

In this course we learned to be self-differentiated leaders. We were provided with tools to navigate the inevitable push-back to the change that occurs during implementation of our innovation plans. This course guided us through creation of the Why, 4DX Plan, Influencer Strategy, Self-Differentiated Leadership, and Organizational Change Strategy projects.

My ADL Learning Community Team
Stephen Karin Kim.jpg

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“Leadership is a way of thinking, a way of acting and, most importantly, a way of communicating.”  – Simon Sinek

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