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Image by Amy Shamblen


We believe we must inspire educators to create a unique, professional identity that will grow along with them throughout their professional development and prepare them to lead organizational change.


To do this, we will encourage the creation of ePortfolios giving educators choice, ownership, voice, and authentic learning opportunities leading to a clear professional identity.


Educators connect, reflect, communicate, maintain ongoing assessment, and possess ownership of their growing professional identity and future career path via their ePortfolios.

Start with the Heart

"We see, we feel, we change." - John P. Kotter

Creating meaningful change in an organization with established processes is not an easy task without full support from the stakeholders. Kotter (2013) discusses how creating a sense of urgency is a necessary component of leading change in any organization. The stakeholders must be reached in a way that they accept the cause and follow it through from start to finish with fervency. Gathering enough evidence and data to present is itself a daunting task, but is it enough to create that sense of urgency and lower the level of complacency that normally results in attempted change? The answer to that question is a resounding, “No!” The likelihood that only presenting information and logical data would ever result in the level of support needed is highly doubtful. The way to be successful is to reach not only the mind but the heart by providing data and information in a way that reaches both thinking and feeling in those listening (Kotter, 2011).


“When people know WHY you do WHAT you do, they are willing to give you credit for everything that could serve as proof of WHY.” Simon Sinek


Starting with “the Why” is essential as it goes from the inside out and the audience processes information in the part of the brain that controls human behavior (Sinek, 2009). Sharing the reason, belief, or purpose can light a fire in the hearts of those you are trying to reach and make a connection that is both emotional and logical. The "Why" statement for my innovation plan establishes the purpose for introducing and implementing ePortfolios for our educators. It communicates that allowing our educators to build a professional identity during the transition to the global platform will create change that will strengthen not only our educators but the organization overall.


“Leadership requires two things: a vision of the world that does not yet exist and the ability to communicate it.” Simon Sinek


My goal is to reach hearts first by helping the stakeholders to understand that change is necessary for the success of the global platform. After touching hearts with “the why”, information and data will be provided that can be rationalized and understood. There is a need for the target audience to feel good about what they are agreeing to. Connecting the heart to the mind will bring forth the urgency needed to ensure that we accomplish the goals of the “how” and “what”. My goal is not to get the organization to agree with what I want to do, but to get them to agree with why I am doing it. I want to share the belief that by allowing our current teacher profiles to shift into ePortfolio creation that we can motivate and create a pool of educators that are equipped with the tools to promote organizational change and success in their careers. By giving educators the chance for authentic learning experiences, collaboration, communication, and exploring and documenting their past successes, we are building a solid foundation for every educator and the organization to reach their full potential on the global platform. I am ready for the opportunity to motivate our stakeholders and touch their hearts, making the heart and mind connection, so they are excited about the changes and are willing to work alongside me to implement this plan.     



Dr. John Kotter. (2011). John Kotter - The Heart of Change. In YouTube.

Kotter, J. (2013). Leading Change: Establish a Sense of Urgency [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

Sinek, S. (2009). Start with why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action.



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