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Implementation - Instrucational Design

The course I am creating is an ePortfolio kick-off course for adult educators. Due to regulations changing in the organization's country of origin, our training and mentoring program has been put on hold for the time being. In the current holding pattern, I needed to find a separate LMS to use. I chose to use Canvas for my course. I tested it and a few other LMS applications during the first assignment in instructional design, and I liked the way it was set up similarly to Blackboard. I have spent time over the last few weeks designing the modules for this course and am becoming familiar with the processes and feel it’s the suitable LMS for course implementation. 


Please enroll and check out my Canvas course here (work in progress):

A little about the implementation of this course:


Since I am working with adult learners, my goal was to set up this course similarly to our ADL courses. This course is fully online, and most of the course work will be asynchronous (90%) with only class meetings required at the same time/day each week, so it is important that I have self-guided materials that make it easy for learners to understand and navigate on their own. Being that it is mostly asynchronous, this course will include experiential learning, or learning by doing. Learners will spend time creating, reflecting, and collaborating via discussion boards and shared resource documents. Through discussion boards and shared resource documents, learners will learn to lean on each other and grow together.


This course and our organization is 100% virtual, so I will follow the standards for online courses provided by the National Standards for Quality Online Courses. My course is learner-led, but with mentors available throughout for support. I will take the role of a guide and support partner as they make their way through the course. I will lead all meetings and stay engaged, consistently looking for areas of improvement as the course progresses. Our tech support team will be trained and available for support through the course via our discussion boards. 


After sharing this course with my classmates in the ADL program, I received helpful feedforward. It was recommended that I add a student lounge page for students to ask general questions and to help mitigate needs for support for learners by having a place to receive support from each other. While I had a share resource board, I thought this was great feedback to separate the learner lounge so concerns would not get lost in shared resources. When you look into the course now, you will see the added lounge. 


In this course, there is a start here/overview/introduction section along with four additional modules. Learners should be able to move through the course with ease. Please watch the video above for a complete walkthrough. I look forward to receiving your feedforward on the implementation to incorporate to improve overall course functionality. 



©2021 by Kimberly Purvis. Proudly created with

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