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5302 & 5304: Contribution to Learning

Updated: Mar 9, 2022

5302 and 5304 were my third and fourth classes in the ADL program. My second 8 weeks session in this program has flown by. I feel like it has been much longer in the program than only 16 weeks so far. I believe it feels longer because I have learned so much and changed significantly as a learner. I have accepted that I am a learner and have applied class concepts to all areas of my life. I have made much progress in learning, but also in supporting my classmates.

The grades I am giving myself for the classes are as follows:

5302: 96%

5304: 97%

5302: I concluded the score based upon what I gave myself in the first 8 weeks and the progress I have made in all areas of contribution comparatively for these eight weeks. I feel that I have made progress in the areas that I felt I was lacking in our last session. I have spent time sharing tips and notes with my classmates, reviewing their work, giving feedforward, and responding in detail on message boards in a reflective manner. I have learned to connect my responses to scholarly texts and provide references so others can further their learning and research.

In 5302, I created my Growth Mindset Plan, Learning Manifesto, and joined many Professional Learning Networks to extend collaboration in my field. These assignments pushed me out of my comfort zone and enabled me to expand my vision of what I believed about learning and the future of my path of growth. I was able to share my experiences and growth with the multiple teams and classmates I collaborated with in multiple ways throughout our time together.

5304: For 5304, I completed The Why, The Influencer Strategy, and 4DX. I based my score upon the effort and growth I felt I had in relation to helping my group and classmates overall. I feel that I saw growth in my discussion board responses. I was able to not only respond but to relate all responses to class texts and other scholarly texts to give context to my comments. I am learning how to respond to others in a professional manner that helps them achieve growth. I continued my participation in both my core group and a new group with classmates focused on adult learning. We shared our assignments frequently and shared ideas and feedforward.

Key Contributions:

  • Checked GroupMe daily to share in discussion and support classmates

  • Provided feedforward on GroupMe and on discussion boards frequently

  • Reflected on feedforward and made revisions to ePortfolio and projects based on suggestions of classmates and professors

  • Attended all class meetings for both 5302/5304; prepared, and on time

  • I responded in Zoom class discussion more frequently these eight weeks

  • Read class readings and watched all videos for each class

  • Voluntarily researched sources outside of course suggestions to share

  • Invited and set up new “adult” centered learning GroupMe with new classmates that were entering the program for their first session

  • Met all deadlines in course calendars for both 5302/5304

  • Checked grades and emails and responded to all in a timely manner to both courses

  • Blogged outside of class requirements multiple times throughout courses

  • Applied coursework ideas and shared with friends, family, and co-workers to contribute to extended community learning

  • Checked 5302/5304 discussion boards and responded to classmates promptly

  • Created Google docs of examples for assignments and shared with GroupMe groups

  • Added New Members to chats

  • Sent multiple reminders for due dates of assignments and discussion boards

  • Shared personal Wix site in breakout sessions, along with cell # for any support needed to new members in the ADL program

  • Shared new PLN’s to join

  • Messaged GroupMe with all pertinent information from class meetings

Supporting Contributions:

  • Took a shared leadership role in our core group along with Karin Stateler and Stephen Lewis

  • Reached out to classmates and offered support as needed

  • Reviewed and provided feedforward for links that were shared in larger GroupMe (Mamta, Andrei, Chastity, Kelven, Illeana, Erika, Pedro, Rachel, Jasmin, Andrea, Barry, Karin, Stephen, Danielle, Jackie, Jacob, Veronica)

Areas for Improvement:

  • Take advantage of each professor's conference time as needed

  • Complete my assignments before the due date to have more time to receive feedforward from collaboration groups.

While I am pleased with how I have improved these eight weeks, I still need improvement to complete all assignments in enough time to receive feedforward from my collaboration groups. I love to write things out in notebook form, and while that works for me, it does not allow me enough time to receive the feedforward I have found helpful from my groupmates. I will be more intentional about moving my notes and assignments to digital form to have time to share with classmates for improvement and growth.

Stephen Lewis and Karin Stateler are my main collaboration group in the ADL program. They have been an integral part of my learning journey. I shared recently with them that I had written their names down with question marks beside them during our very first Zoom meeting. I was slightly intimidated by their confident and scholarly responses in our first classes. Because of this, I felt nervous to work with them at first as though I may not fit into their group. Stephen reached out to me after the second meeting in our classes and the rest is history. I cannot be more thankful that he reached out to me to join their group. While I was intimidated by them both, it was only because I was afraid to be overshadowed by classmates that I knew maybe more experienced or well-spoken than myself. The best part of being in a group with them both is that I have learned that I am worthy. I have learned that I am capable of being supportive and respectful of others while learning and growing from their areas of expertise. They have both been vulnerable and shared in ways that I have learned from and grown tremendously. I would not be able to complete this program with the same level of development I have without their support.

I am learning that just like my theme of a garden, I can do this myself, but if I will allow myself to become vulnerable and be receptive to others sharing their expertise and skill, I will reap the benefits of full development. I am learning that there is no reason to be intimidated by others. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and if we will take a chance to rely on each other, we will develop much more quickly and fully than we ever imagined possible. I can't wait to see where this journey leads. I have experienced more growth in the last sixteen weeks than ever. I feel grateful to be a part of this program.

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