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5303 E-Portfolio - Getting Started

Before following the shared links, I was confused about the need or purpose of an e-Portfolio. I was wondering if it would ever be used or useful. It reminded me of past digital resumes or sites I had made in college for my bachelor's. I had no desire to go back to them. I had never used them again.

When I read What is an EPortfolio, it became much clearer when it was said to be "a learner’s digital evidence of meaningful connection." I then read Making Meaningful Connections in An Eportfolio, and it became even more clear what we were doing here. It is not a digital file cabinet or "basement box" but rather a place to show the entire process of learning and growth. It is not only to show evidence of having learned something but how you got there.

After the readings, I found myself wishing that I had kept an e-Portfolio all these years. How wonderful would it be to go back and see the growth and change I had made? I had a new understanding of the e-Portfolio importance of not just the collection of work but recording the journey.

I am more excited about my e-Portfolio now. I find myself jotting small reminders or thoughts to go back and blog. I will thoroughly enjoy looking back on this at the end of this program and continuing throughout my future.

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