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5305 Discussion: Communicating Your Ideas

Reading through Are You An Innovative Educator? Here's How to Find Out was helpful. The examples given helped me to understand how to identify innovative educators and the importance of being an innovative educator. In the ‘Why Not’ sections, I noticed a lot of the same wording ‘Not communicating’ ‘not sharing’ ‘not reaching others.’ Something that I am learning through this process is to always think of your audience. Who will be changed by what you are doing? Who are you communicating to? What are you trying to say? Is it meaningful and authentic to both you and your audience?

Communication is the key to making sure that you are a true innovator.

This goes right along with the John Kotter Video Communicating a Vision for Change. In the video, he discusses how under-communication can kill a change effort.

Under communication = Dead Change

I can relate this to all aspects of my life and the areas where I have not communicated effectively. I am changing my views on what effective communication looks like. It is not just talking and sharing your thoughts and how you understand them to be. It is thinking of your audience, how they will receive what is being said, and molding it to be delivered in just the right style for them to get it.

While I consider myself to be open to change and always evolving, I am realizing many areas that I previously thought I had down that can be improved. Areas where I thought I was communicating well, but it was not being done on a constant basis so others weren't receiving the full communication I thought I was providing to them.

I look forward to learning how to be an innovative educator and how to perfect my methods of communication.

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