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5302: Impact of a Growth Mindset

The challenge that I face in my organization is everything already being digital. I am working with online teachers around the world, so everything we do is with technology. The goal that I have is focused on not only using that technology but finding ways to use it more effectively. The goal is to be sure that we have authentic learning experiences and are using technology to the fullest potential in everything we do. I want to be focused on implementing rich learning for both our teachers and students through our use of ePortfolios.

When it comes to fixed and growth mindset, I would say that I have had more of a fixed mindset. If you asked me in the past, I would have said that I had a growth mindset. I have always been someone that is trying to improve. I have shelves of 'self-help' books and love to self-evaluate and make goals for improvement. The thing that I am realizing now was that the motivation behind that was a fixed mindset. While it looked and sounded like a growth mindset, it really was focused incorrectly on improving the areas I thought I had failed and trying to understand so I could avoid failing again. It was not true acceptance of those "failures" and turning that into growth.

As I go through these classes in the ADL program, I am learning to accept the areas that I have flaws, or seem to have failed. To not look at that as a failure, but to see the areas of improvement. To be ok with not being perfect and not to be hard on myself for that. I am learning to be able to think in a 'yet' voice and to see those flaws as empowerment to learn and grow. I am finding that reaching out and being vulnerable with classmates, co-workers, and family has resulted in my feeling more confident and supported also.

I have created habits to be sure that I am questioning that false mindset so that I can move towards more growth. One way that I am doing this is by leaving notes around my house. Questions to ask my fixed mindset, or motivational reminders so that when I assess that I'm using a fixed mindset I can quickly move out of it. I am taking steps to each day engage my family and friends in a way that promotes my growth mindset also. I ask myself every day now "What worked?" and "What can I do better?". I am trying to implement small steps to ensure success in the long run and to make growth my norm. I find that applying this in my daily life is helping me to easily apply it at work. I can see those around me reacting differently. They are more open and engaging than when I have fixed mindset responses. It's a work in process, but I am learning how to learn, and how to adopt this mindset so that the learners I am working with can also find higher levels of achievement and develop a greater sense of freedom.

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